This super simple DIY bracelet idea is a fun one to make with kids and teens! With just a piece of yarn or string, you can make a homemade, adjustable bracelet in any color you choose! Best of all, it takes just minutes!
Make a loop with the yarn. Make sure to leave enough at the end so that you can hold it in your left hand (you’ll be knotting with your right hand).
With your right hand, tuck the yarn through your first loop from underneath. Do not pull it all the way through, you will be creating your second loop.
Grab your new loop and pull to create a tight-ish knot at your first loop from step 1.
Do not pull the yarn all the way through. Your knot may get really long in order to get your first knot to tighten which is fine and will be fixed in the next step.
You want to work with a small loop to keep it efficient and taut. Place that floppy loop around the thumb on your left hand and pull the loose string back through the first knot with your right hand. This part is critical when making the bracelets with more than one piece of yarn. This is where you get them to be smooth and not have one that is looser than the rest which can make it look really messy.
Begin the next loop by repeating step 2. And continue until you have the length of knots you want.
Keep the yarn tucked in your left hand and do the knotting with your right. After the first few knots this will go really fast. You are done when the knots cover the length of a wrist.
To finish the knotted portion of the bracelet, create one last loop, but this time you will pull the piece of yarn all the way through and secure the knots.
To Make It Adjustable
On one end, make a knot (just to be safe, knot it again at the same spot so that the knot is larger).
Gather both ends of the bracelet and tie them in a knot together below the other knot you tied to one end of the yarn. Tighten the knot.
Pull the knot tight. Trim the end of the bracelet without the knot (don’t cut it too short as this is yarn and it is somewhat slippery and a nice tug can pull it out of the knot).
Once you have the bracelet on your wrist, you will pull the piece with the knotted end to tighten it. To loosen, just pull on that piece of yarn (the one with the knot at the end) from the other side of the knot made from both strings, from the other direction.
You can change the size and look of the bracelet by adding more strings of yarn.