In a short cocktail glass with ice, add vodka, Kahlua and heavy cream.
Serve immediately.
You can stir a White Russian or not. It’s totally up to you. You could even shake it with ice in a cocktail shaker if you wanted to. When shaking with ice, it slightly whips the cream making it feel extra luscious in your mouth. I say give it a try and see if you prefer one over the other.While there are “rules” in making cocktails, my opinion is to try things and keep doing what you like best.Other changes you can make:
Skip the cream and use regular milk instead. The texture will be a little bit thinner if the idea of heavy cream was too much for you.
Make it non-dairy. Almond milk would be great.
Don't have Kahlua? You can use another coffee-liqueur or Bailey’s for a slightly different flavor.
A vanilla vodka would be a tasty swap in this recipe.
You can skip the vodka and use rum or whiskey instead.
You can add chocolate syrup or cinnamon to add another layer of flavor.
And if you aren’t into a cold drink, you can serve this warm. Just take care you don’t scald the cream - heat slowly).