Select your fabric and lay two of the same size pieces out on your workspace for the both sizes of the pillow plus one piece of smaller fabric for the decorative heart.
Print out my heart template on cardstock.
Trace 2 of the larger hearts on the back of the large fabric making sure to leave a little bit of overhang around the edges.
Use an adhesive sheet and put it on the back of the smaller piece of fabric for the smaller heart. Trace the smaller heart on the back and cut out. Remove the backing and stick the smaller heart on to the front of one of the larger heart pieces.
Lay the two larger heart pieces, face down, on the table. Use the Adhesive Tape and, in small pieces, go around the edge of one side of the heart (leaving a small overhang) leaving a 1" opening.
Remove the backing of the tape and place the backside of the other side of the heart on top. Press along the tape to ensure it sticks.
Add a little stuffing at a time, adding more until the mini pillow is as full as you want it.
Use another small piece of tape to close the opening.
Read through the directions in the post as there might be a little extra detail. Add a little dried lavender, along with the stuffing, to add a relaxing scent. You can use hot glue if you prefer, although you may be able to see it through the fabric.The estimated cost of the craft will vary on how many you are making. Once you buy a bag of batting and a few yards of fabric you can use them for multiple pillows.