Home ยป Cocktails ยป Vodka Cocktails ยป Fruity and Refreshing Passion Fruit Vodka Mojito Recipe

Fruity and Refreshing Passion Fruit Vodka Mojito Recipe


It’s not pretty. But it sure does taste good! Passion fruit is one of my favorite flavors. It’s fruity, tart and sweet and has a tropical feeling. And you don’t find it all the time so it feels extra special. It’s also delicious when added to cocktails! I love vodka recipes and I knew that passion fruit would be a great pairing. So the Passion Fruit Vodka Mojito was born. And you’re going to love it.

passion fruit mojito with vodka on a wooden cutting board

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You’ll love this Passion Fruit Vodka Mojito

I pretty much refuse to order a mojito when I’m out at a bar or restaurant. They really aren’t that hard to make but, thanks to the muddling, they do take a minute to prepare. So bartenders don’t love to make these since they are all about efficiency and making multiple drinks at once. 

So I started making these yummy vodka mojitos at home. 

I usually buy passion fruit juice but we had some fresh ones at home (my youngest LOVES to try unique fruits) so I decided they would make a great addition to this yummy drink. 

Ingredients to make a passion fruit vodka mojito on a cutting board

How to Make a Mojito With Vodka and Passion Fruit

These are pretty standard cocktail ingredients so this should feel like a super simple drink to make. 


  • 1 oz vodka
  • 1 oz Simple Syrup
  • 6 mint leaves
  • 4 quarters fresh lime
  • 1 fresh passion fruit
  • Top with club soda

When is Passion Fruit in Season?

Passion fruit comes in waves throughout the year. And from what I can tell there is a large harvest in late summer, especially here in California. 

If you can’t find fresh passion fruit, you can absolutely substitute with passion fruit juice. I love the Ceres brand because they have 100% juice. Some of the cocktail mixers include lots of extra sugar. But like I said, you don’t find passion fruit flavored things all the time so if you come across it, pick it up! 

Tip: You can change up the flavor of this drink even more by making a flavored simple syrup like this Cinnamon Vanilla Simple Syrup version. 

Also, I LOVE this jigger because it has measurements on it. I can never remember the measurements for each side on my regular jigger! 

Lime wedges and mint in a glass next to a bottle of vodka and club soda


Add Simple Syrup, lime and mint leaves to a tall glass. 

A passion fruit cut and laying on a wooden cutting board

What Part of the Passion Fruit is Edible?

The seeds and pulp are edible but can be tart! You can easily scoop it out of the rind and use it all kinds of drinks or savory recipes. The rind wrinkles as it ripens but if you are only using the fruit from time to time, there really is no great way of telling if one is ripe or not. 

They are high in several nutrients but I like to use passion fruit purely for its exotic flavor! It instantly adds a tropical vibe to anything you add it to. 

A muddler in a glass with lime, mint and passion fruit

Scoop out the inside of the passion fruit and put into the glass and muddle everything together.

I like the look of the passion fruit seeds. They are totally edible and I think they add a fun look to this drink. But if you prefer to make passion fruit juice you can do that too. I’m far too lazy to pull out my huge blender. So if you want to make passion fruit juice without a blender, you totally can.

How to Make Passion Fruit Juice without a Blender

From what I gather, you will need to scoop out the pulp and seeds into a small bowl. Use the back of a spoon to press the juice out of the pulp and seeds. And when you’ve gotten out as much as you think you can, you strain out the solids. I haven’t tried this myself but it sounds reasonable. 

I would use cheesecloth or one of these reusable bags and use my hands to squeeze out as much liquid as possible. But that’s just me. I like to manhandle things. You can always just buy passion fruit juice and keep things super easy.  
Pouring club soda into a passion fruit mojito

Add vodka and top with club soda.

I always have club soda on hand because not only is it a great addition for easy cocktails, but it’s delicious with bitters and even plain lime juice! I think it’s a way healthier alternative to soda! 

A finished passion fruit vodka mojito on a cutting board with vodka and simple syrup in the background

Garnish with a mint leaf. Just clap the mint leaf between your hands once or twice to help to release the oil. This will make it smell amazing!

Why Use Vodka in a Mojito?

The traditional mojito is made with rum. But I say use whatever liquor you like best! I prefer the flavor of vodka in my mojitos. I feel like vodka doesn’t have a lot of its own flavor so the other fresh flavors of the mojito ingredients can really stand out. You can also make a Patron mojito. Because, yum. 

More Tropical-Style Drinks to Try

Pin this Passion Fruit Vodka Mojito Recipe for Later

finished cocktail with passion fruit and vodka with text overlay

Change up a classic cocktail recipe to create a drink that is extra special! This Passion Fruit Vodka Mojito is fruity, fresh and totally thirst-quenching. You’ll love this drink on a hot day! 

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