Kid’s Monster Birthday Party
Need a fun party idea for your kid who loves to draw? This Monster Birthday party idea was based on my son’s drawings and had some simple party decorations and fun food table. But you can really use the idea to create a unique party theme all your own. Read on to see how I did it and how to modify it to your own child’s drawings.

I am now the proud owner of a six-year-old. My youngest son had a birthday 4 days after Christmas so we had a little family party for him. I’m over the huge kids parties. Well, to be honest, the size of my house is over huge kids parties. But that doesn’t mean I can’t make him feel special.
He had originally asked for a Pokemon party. I had a really hard time with that. I was going to do it, but I wasn’t going to like it. But my son’s favorite things to draw are monsters and then it dawned on me that we could do a monster birthday party but base it on his personal monster drawings.
The banner was printed by Direct Edge Media and is still up in my house. Because it’s awesome.
This was the monster that really made me think a monster party would be so fun. I knew it would be perfect for the invitations and other party decor. So I scanned it in, and created a super simple invitation. We made sure to send them out really early due to the holidays. So I started planning and picking up a few things here and there. And thank goodness I did. I came down with the stomach flu a few days before the party and for a split second thought about canceling it. My mom and mom in law stepped in and really helped me out! So while I had intended to do a lot more, this is what I could muster up the strength to do. And I think there were enough special touches to make his day super special.
Because this cutie pumpkin deserves to feel special. Just a note, if you feel awful and need to cut corners, go with googly eyes. Just put them everywhere.
And ask your father in law to make fruit monsters for you.
Because they were spectacular and were a huge hit. I can’t think of a more fun way to serve fruit. I got the idea here.
My mom made these eyeball cookies for me. And they were cute and super tasty. Idea came from here. (I’m telling you, pinterest is awesome even for the most creative of us).
We set up an ice cream float bar. You guys HAVE to do this. Kids and adults both loved this!
I know this is kind of hard to see and I didn’t set it up as cute as I would have liked to but I put up a simple gallery of some of his other monster drawings. I also turned one in to a pillow.
Hobby Lobby has prepackaged monster party supplies that are pretty dang cute. I knew I didn’t want to buy all of the items, but I did pick up a few things to make my life a little bit easier. These make your own party hats were a simple activity that I could set out in case the kids wanted something to do.
My dad helped us make this Monster Toss game. He cut the holes and painted the board so that my son could draw on his own monsters. To keep it simple, I gave him colored sharpies and had him draw right on it. Next time, I think I would have him draw them on in pencil and then fill in with paint to make the monsters really stand out. I had my friend Carole sew the CUTEST bean bags (I know you are thinking, “Take it easy. How can a bean bag be SO cute?” But they totally were. I’ll take a picture of them soon to show you) but then I found this tutorial on how to make them with new sewing.
I tried my hand at royal icing cookies for the first time. You guys, it totally sucks. I did not enjoy it and may never make them again. But look how cute they are when drawn on with edible markers?! I thought since my son likes to draw monsters so much, we would let the kids draw their own. It was an activity AND snack. I love double duty party ideas. Turns out, when I was sick and started cutting things off my to-do list, I kept on all the sugar. I also made these really simple jolly rancher suckers. They added so much color and another way to use candy eyes.
It was a great day! I didn’t have to cancel the party and my son has some fun memories from his special day.
will your mom make me eyeball cookies for my birthday? please:)
Done. :)
Awe, what an adorable party for such a handsome little guy! Love the monster toss game and those editable cookies . Perfect party!
Thank you, friend!