How to Keep Your Jewelry Safe When Traveling
Traveling with jewelry can turn into a nightmare. Necklaces get tangled and it can be hard to know how to keep your pieces safe. I’m sharing my favorite way to pack necklaces along with easy tips on how to keep your jewelry safe when traveling.

This post was originally sponsored but I have updated it since then. I left some of the sponsor information, however, since I think it’s great information for traveling safely with your jewelry.
I am a total over-packer when I travel. And one thing I will never scale down is my jewelry. It’s such an easy way to add a little extra flair to your outfit or even change up the look of your basics. This is one of my go-to travel essentials.
How to Keep Jewelry Safe When Traveling
I don’t have a lot of expensive pieces in my jewelry collection. I’m definitely not dripping with diamonds. I almost exclusively wear Gorjana pieces that wear well (even when swimming in them) and are reasonably priced.
But I have a few nice things, like my engagement ring and wedding bands. I also like to wear the vintage pieces that my grandmother gave to me before she passed away.
While those are not hugely valuable in terms of money, they are totally sentimental and mean more to me than many of my possessions.
Jewelry is a quick way to dress up an outfit or make a basic piece that you’ve packed for a trip look different so you can re-wear it. But it can be so hard to know how to store necklaces for travel and how to keep them safe while you are en route.
These easy tips will help you feel less stressed about traveling and packing your favorite jewelry pieces.
How to Keep Necklaces from Tangling
I love to layer necklaces, so I take a lot of them with me when I travel. But I definitely don’t want to spend time untangling them in a hotel room when I could be out by a pool with a frozen cocktail.
And I thought I had the perfect hack for how to pack necklaces for travel.
The Straw Hack
For a while, I was using straws to pack necklaces without them tangling. It worked the first time. But every other time, they still got all tangled! I was so bummed! I thought I had finally figured it out.
My Favorite No-Tangle Necklace Organizer
When I saw the No Knot Jewelry Organizer I was like, my prayers are answered! I had just gotten home from a trip where I couldn’t wear hardly any of my necklaces because they had turned into one big knot.
So I asked them to send me one to try out. It’s perfection and it’s the best way to pack necklaces for travel.
It works very similarly to the way my straw trick worked. The No Knot has a rigid plastic tube that runs the length of the case. The openings are where you can feed the necklaces through.
You just clasp them together and that’s it! And the necklaces won’t tangle!
The length of the necklace determines which cut out to run in through. The only thing you need to worry about is if there is a charm on the necklace (that doesn’t slide the entire length) which will prevent it from fitting into the tube.
And if you’re wondering how to pack earrings for travel, The No Knot organizer also has little pockets that are perfect for holding them. And also rings. There is a large pocket on one side for necklaces that don’t work with the tube.
And for bracelets, etc. you can just zip them up in the organizer. It’s genius.
I take No Knot with me every time I travel whether it’s on a plane or an overnighter.
Tips for Traveling with Jewelry
If you’re like me and think that you can’t travel without your favorite jewelry pieces, read on to see my tips for keeping everything safe while you’re away from home.
Always Carry Your Jewelry On
I almost learned this one the hard way. For years, I would carry everything that I couldn’t live without in my carry-on.
That included my very heavy makeup bag (because I’m a little high maintenance even though I may not look like it), my glasses, an extra pair of underwear, etc.
Basically, I would carry everything I needed with me in case my luggage got lost. But my luggage never got lost. And so I got cocky, and a little lazy, and wanted a lighter carry-on bag.
So I stopped putting anything other than my glasses and my reading materials in my carry-on.
And then it happened. I checked in for a flight home from the East Coast in the midst of a horrendous storm. And wouldn’t you know, my flight was canceled.
Thanks to some family that lived close by, I was able to spend the night at their house, but I couldn’t get my luggage back.
I went to a drug store and bought makeup to use for the next morning. I finally got on a flight home the next day but, of course, my luggage wasn’t at the airport when I arrived.
And then it dawned on me. All my favorite necklaces from my grandma were in that bag.
I didn’t care about the shoes or dresses that were in my luggage. I could never replace those sentimental jewelry pieces.
Luckily, my bag showed up at my door before dawn the next morning. But it forever changed the way that I will handle packing my carry-on.
But you still need to keep it safe in your carry-on bag! The No Knot case is perfect for that too! It doesn’t take up much space and is super lightweight.
Organize with Post-It Notes
I like to plan out my outfits ahead of a trip so I don’t have to think as much (and because I’m super Type A). I also want to make sure I have everything I need like the right bra or slip. I usually plan out the accessories I’ll wear for that outfit also.
I usually grab a post-it note and write out the outfit details. Then I put the notes in my jewelry bag.
When I get to my destination, I put out the notes (somewhere hidden so it doesn’t ruin the vibe of the room) and I can easily see what my outfit options are, complete with the jewelry that goes with it.
Of course, I sometimes deviate, but this helps me from fretting over what to wear.
I like to use post-it notes instead of laying out my jewelry. I think keeping them in the jewelry case keeps them a little bit safer than just having them out on a dresser or in the bathroom.
Traveling with jewelry makes me so nervous. I always think I’m going to lose my little stacking rings and tiny beaded bracelets.
Don’t Forget Your Rings
I don’t shower or wash my face with my wedding rings on. At home, I have a cute little dish by the sink, where I know they’ll be safe. But when I travel you never know what the sink situation will be like.
Also, I once accidentally left them on the sink when I went out for the day. Color me anxious when I realized that housekeeping would probably come in to make the room up and have total access to my most valuable jewelry.
All was well, but I knew I had to do something different. Now I bring this tiny little plastic container, with me, that perfectly fits my rings. When I take them off, they go in this container.
I set the container in my toiletry bag, usually inside my glass case. That way when I go to put my glasses on, I see the rings and put them back on my finger.
Or if I take my glasses off in the morning I see them. OR if I happen to forget them in the hotel room, they are tucked out of sight and a little safer than if they were just hanging out on the sink.
This helps me to feel way less anxious about my rings!
Ensure You’re Insured
Did you know that your jewelry might not be covered by your current insurance policies? Before you head out on your summer adventures, make sure you find out if your jewels are safe when you’re away from home!
Jewelers Mutual Insurance Company has been exclusively insuring jewelry for more than 100 years!
They offer repair and replacement coverage that includes worldwide travel protection for all types of jewelry and watches. Coverage includes loss, theft, damage and mysterious disappearances (unexplained loss).
That kind of coverage would totally put me at ease, especially as we start to prepare for our trip to the mountains for fishing, hiking and other outdoorsy things.
While I may not be bringing an extensive jewelry collection for this rustic vacation, I certainly want to make sure my wedding ring and bands are safe!
No matter how hard we try to keep things safe when we travel, accidents happen. That’s why there’s insurance. Jewelers Mutual can give you the peace of mind to fully enjoy your vacation and not worry about your beloved jewelry.
If you’ve been struggling with how to keep jewelry safe when traveling, these tips will help reduce your stress and let you have the best time on your trip.
More Tips for Traveling with Jewelry
- How to Pack your Earrings
- More Tips to Keep your Jewelry Safe While Traveling
- What to do With your Jewelry Before you Leave for Your Trip
Visit Jewelers Mutual for even more tips on keeping your jewelry safe, at home and while away.
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I was selected for this opportunity as a member of CLEVER and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.