Netflix Gift Subscription Birthday in a Box
Finding the perfect gift idea can be hard. But a Netflix Gift Subscription Box is a present anyone would want to receive. And it’s a great gift to ship to out-of-town friends and family too. If your friends love watching TV and movie as much as you do, put this fun gift idea together.

Did your best friend up and move away like mine did? Even though she left me (so dramatic right? She moved away like, 15 years ago and I’m still bitter…) I still want to make sure she feels loved on her birthday.
I thought about what we love to do when do get to spend time together and created this birthday in a box. And it all starts with a Netflix gift subscription. Because, TV.
Netflix Subscription Gift Box Idea
Gifts are such a great way to show someone you love them. Buying gifts for people is one of my favorite things. I love to put thought into it so it’s not just about the tangible present.
I love to create birthday in-a-box type presents. They are full of cool, small things that fit the person perfectly. While I created mine for someone far away, these types of guests work just as well for people who you see every day.
I like to have a theme when I’m creating a gift box. Get creative and make it fun! You can either do snacks and other fun “me time” ideas or theme it to one of your favorite Netflix shows.
Related: Browse more gift ideas.
What to Include
One of the past times that my bff and I both enjoy is watching TV. We’re pretty partial to reality shows but we’ll tolerate a Bachelor or good drama too.
I decided the starting point for her gift box would be a Netflix gift subscription. To round it out, I tried to think of fun little things that would go along with watching TV.
I found these French candies, in pretty neutral colors, and knew they would be great to put in the box. They’re almost like confetti and work as filler but they also taste amazing.
It will be a nice little treat to enjoy while watching American Horror Story (OMG. I just watched the first two episodes. I wanted to see what it was all about. I think I’m hooked. But I can only watch it during the day. So terrifying!)
I also included some tea so she could get cozy on the couch with a blanket. Is there nothing better than a fall afternoon with Netflix?
I love these individual bottles of Prosecco! I know she isn’t a big drinker but sparkling wine is so celebratory! I included a metallic gold straw so she can sip some bubbles while watching The Holiday. That’s a total favorite.
Sometimes watching a show or movie on Netflix is the perfect time to pamper yourself. I included these fun nail decals and a top coat so she can do her nails while watching 13 Going on 30.
To round out the items in the birthday in a box, I included incense to create a cool atmosphere and tissues in case she picks a tear-jerker like The Lovely Bones.
I found this decorative gift box at Homegoods. No wrapping is needed. Boom.
In this birthday in a box gift idea, I was able to give my friend several hours of enjoying herself in a way that I know she’ll love.
While it would be even better if I could watch all these shows with her, I know that her Netflix gift subscription will bring her joy (and tears) and time to rest, relax and recharge to celebrate her birthday.
You can easily find Netflix gift cards at Target and other national retail stores as well as Amazon.
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